Vandersteen Quatros or B&W 803D's

I have my search down to these two.

I am leaning to the Vandersteens because these will have to be placed close to a rear wall. Vandersteens would be better in my mind because they are adjustable.


In the perfect World we shouldn't have this problems but You as well as I know that it is not the case.
We may have differences of opinion on some issues but we all try to achieve the same way or the other. That's what is it all about.
I think we have a great community and I am very proud to be a part of it. If the neutral ground can be found and honesty is intact......great.

One more thing.
When I said:
I think it doesn't matter if Ken will be placing speakers 12" from the rear wall or 24". It is to small of a difference to make a significant changes in sound stage.
I think I should take that back since everything change the sound....even 12". What I wanted to say is that Ken (unfortunately absent from this conversation to make it easier on both of us) is most likely forced to placed them against the wall or very close to it. So, performance is already compromise (sound stage you mentioned earlier & bass could be a problem also) but what Quatros can give him back is a better, smoother and more balanced bass. Using few tricks can also improve sound stage but WAF might be a problem.......we don't know.
I hope that he won't have to decide based on this thread alone, and will have a chance to hear both in his own place. This would ultimately answer all his questions and remove any doubts.

Sorry to be gone for some time. I have a sick 6 month old.

The speakers will be about 12-16 inches from the rear wall and at least 6 feet from the side walls.

I wish this was not the case but it is so, the question is narrowly which of these will be best in that applicaiton. And if they both will be poor is there a much better option.

And a sincere thank you for the input!

Hi Ken. You might want to start a different thread entitled "Speakers for Close Placement to Back Wall" - you would proably get a lot more response related to the issue. The Quattros definitely will address the issue of controlling bass output effectivley, but I don't know exactly what that close of a placement will do to the rest of the spectrum and soundstaging, etc. One thing for sure, the Quattros are very fine speakers.
I know a dealer who has tuned the Quatro with great results near wall, maybe not as good as more room would allow but these speakers offer great adjustment....cheers