Vandersteen Moel 2Ce better than Model 1B used in midsize room

Probably the answer is yes but for now i must say i’m quite happy with mine model 1B. The situation is i can buy a used 2Ce for a reasonable price. I don’t have big annoying problems with the 1B only the tend to drown a bit when the music get more complex an is building up like a orchestra build up to a crescendo. My main music is Jazz like Chat Baker an fusion jazz like Billy Cobham which reproduce the 1B excellent. I was wondering how big the change will be by replacing the 1B with the 2Ce.


Showing 2 responses by isochronism

I have a pair of 1B in storage which I used many years ago for quite some time. They represent a great value on the used market these days. Although I more want to comment and agree, Blue Motel is a very sweet song.