Vandersteen Mod 5 vs Coincident Tech Total Eclipse

With all my reading of reviews and opinions, I've concluded (for now) that either of these two fine speakers will be my next choice. I know about the different amplification issues for the two, but I'm looking for informed opinion about the sound of one vs the other. I listen to all music except hip-hop. I want to be able to enjoy hard rock, then switch to female jazz vocals, dance and even orchestral music all with the same speakers. Please ignore room size issues because I'm moving soon and I haven't even chosen my next house yet, but let's assume "normal" conditions. Thanks for your help,


Showing 3 responses by sdcampbell

Excellent comments, Joe. You hit all the important points, and I agree everything. For the benefit of other readers, it might be useful to know that Joe owns a pair of Coincident Technology Total Eclipse speakers (do I have the correct model, Joe?), but he also has good experience with Vandersteen speakers. So, his comments should be given appropriate weight.

I can only answer this question from a very personal perspective -- what I would do if making the same choice myself. For me, there'd be no debate: I'd buy the Vandersteen Model 5. I have listened extensively to the Model 5, and I regard it as among the finest speakers available, regardless of price.

The Model 5 is one of a handful of time and phase accurate speakers on the market, and it has a number of excellent features:
1. it has superb tonal balance that works very well with all styles of music;
2. the proprietary subwoofers (with built-in 400 watt amps) are among the finest drivers available in any speaker at any price, and their crossover design allows them to be tuned to any room (something to consider since you are moving to a new home;
3. the Model 5 is built in a modular style, which allows the owner to install future upgrades without returning the speaker to the factory.

One of the factors which you may want to think about is the general impedance curve of these speakers, and what they may require in amplification. The Model 5 has a relatively low impedance curve, while the Coincident has a relatively high impedance curve and was designed specifically for use with tube amplifiers.

Ultimately, of course, one chooses a speaker on the basis of how it sounds to YOU, so you should give both speakers a serious audition (ideally in your new home).
I'm really pleased with the level of discussion on this thread -- it's the first one that has really grabbed me in some time. My personal opinion is that the discussion on the forum has become really superficial over the past year, and this thread is the first one I've seen in some time that resembles the interchange found on the forum 2 years ago. Kudos and thanks to everyone who took the time to provide some REAL input.