Vandersteen Mod 5 vs Coincident Tech Total Eclipse

With all my reading of reviews and opinions, I've concluded (for now) that either of these two fine speakers will be my next choice. I know about the different amplification issues for the two, but I'm looking for informed opinion about the sound of one vs the other. I listen to all music except hip-hop. I want to be able to enjoy hard rock, then switch to female jazz vocals, dance and even orchestral music all with the same speakers. Please ignore room size issues because I'm moving soon and I haven't even chosen my next house yet, but let's assume "normal" conditions. Thanks for your help,


Showing 3 responses by natalie

Joe owns Digital Master's I own Super Conquest's. Both very very good speaker's By Coincident.
I have also heard the Van 5's. Very very Good speaker.
Its like beer we all have different taste's. This is not about which is better they are both State of The Art.
It really depends on what your personal taste's are.
Sdcampbell, great advice. You need to listen to both in your room. Both great speakers.
What are you using for an amp.
One thing about Coincident they will reveal any flaws in the food chain before it.
You better have a pretty good source.
Can you tell us more about the other gear you have.
You cant go wrong with either.
Fatparrot, i have spent many an afternoon listing to the Super Eclipse's and the Atma-Sphere M60.This was the Combo Arthur Salvatore had on display at High-End Audio in Toronto.9/10 times when you went into the store this was the combo he had playing. They are a match made in Heaven. The sonic Sig of the Super and Total are the same.Depending on the size of the room.You would chose one over the other.
In my situation the Totals will not work.The super's will work fine.
At some Point I will move into a pair of Super Eclipse's.