Vandersteen Amp?

I've seen pictures on line of the new Vandersteen M7-HPA. It's a hybrid amp putting out 600 watts as I recall but designed to only play above the 100 Hz frequency levels. It's intended to pair with his speakers utilizing a powered sub, especially the Model 7 I would think. Projected price $35,000-$40,000.

The pictures I've seen look like a pure prototype. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with these monoblocks in operational form? It sounds like an interesting concept, eliminating the need for the high pass filter between the pre amp and amp. Still, it's significantly more costly than the Ayre MX-r and the Audio Research Ref 250s both which work very well with the Vandersteen speakers. Will this be worth the price for a manufacturer's first step into the realm of stand alone power amps or for a pair of monoblocks only for use with speakers having a powered woofer?

My guess is that any Vandersteen product is a pretty safe bet.

Showing 4 responses by taters

Even though you may see 200k systems on Audiogon it's not the norm. The average person probably has a 500-1000 stereo.
It's the same thing if your on It seems like everyone is driving a Ferrari. The reality is very few people are driving Ferrari's. I live in Southern California where there are more Ferrari's than anywhere in the world. I rarely ever see one.
Jmcgrogan 2,

You are right about the manufacturers catering to the rich. For years Vandersteen focused on inexpensive speakers for the average Joe Shmoe. Now he's looking to hit home runs with 50k speakers and amps.
Audio connection,

I have heard the 7's and they are fantastic. I just don't have 50k to drop on speakers.