Vandersteen 5a's - an upgrade from Vienna mahlers?

I have Vienna mahlers and have tried a few tube amps without success. I am thinking of the 5a's as I like the idea of SS powered bass and vandersteen's no fatiguing detailed sound. This will enable me to use a nice tube amp
I like mostly rock/alternative/pop/electronic type music with some blues and jazz.

Will the vandersteen be a positive step or just a sideways step.

Showing 1 response by gregm

I'll keave sonics aside for the moment and look at practical & operational issues.
First point: Raquel notes above that the V's cost +50%. Major consideration.
Second: the Mahler are a VERY diffult load, hardly the ideal for a tube amp (mentioned in the original question). A brute SS with a ridiculously hi amp PS is more the ticket.
3rd: the V's are biamped, a very useful feature, are an easier load and may be driven by a tube amp (i.e. the main spkr).
4th: the V's engineering looks far superior to the Mahler.
5th: again, the Vs are twice the price of the Mahler...