Vandersteen 3A Sig vs. Von Schweikert VR4 Jr.

Ok, I've whittled my list down to the above. However, I have not had a chance to listen to either of these yet (dealers are scarce in my area.) I value the folks' opinions on this site very much and would like some regarding which speaker they'd recommend. I have Marantz SA8260 SACD and PM7200 Integrated. I listen to primarily Jazz and other acoustic music. Thanx in advance.
Seriously consider a planar speaker. The Eminent Technology LFT-VIIIa or Magnepan MG-1.6 would provide excellent sound at a much lower cost than either the Vandy or VS. A planar must be placed 3-4' from the rear wall, isn't small, and won't blow down walls, but does sound wonderful. Imaging is superb with a natural "musicians in the room" sound that box speakers can't really replicate. Get the dedicated aftermarket stands to maximize speaker performance (Sound Anchor for the ET and Mye Sound for the Maggie). More power may be required than the Marantz provides if the room is large, but try it first. Both are very benign resistive loads. Don't be afraid to spend less than planned, that is a mistake far too many audiophiles make. I own both of these planar speakers and have heard the others in good listening situations. I would't trade, even if they did cost the same. Good luck!
I haven't heard the Vandy 3A Sigs., but I had the 2Ce Sigs. and they are no match for the VRjr, which trounce all over the Vandys. I find it hard to believe anyone would find the VRjr lacking in the imaging department. They are more transparent and holographic than 90% of the speakers I have heard at their price point and up to double the price.
If VR-4JR’s are not set-up right, they will not produce the best imaging... Due to my poor room layout it took me 2 months to position them right. I’m now rewarded not only by excellent imaging but also a 3-dimontional soundstage.
"I haven't heard the Vandy 3A Sigs., but I had the 2Ce Sigs. and they are no match for the VRjr, which trounce all over the Vandys"

But you "have not heard the 3A Sigs", so how will they "tounce over the Vandys"? Are you saying they will trounce the 2Ce Sigs? If so, your comparing a $1500/pr speaker to a $4000/pr speaker. As I have not heard the 2Ce's, (I bought a pair of 3A Sigs in November - after I had listened to the VR 4jr and the 3A Sig - which by a wide margin, I prefered the 3A Sig) can't comment on a comparision, but I'd be hard pressed to believe "trounce" is a word that would fit here.

"if you like your music on the warm, laid back side of reality, the 3As might be for you. I find Vandersteens to be non-offensive and easy to listen but hardly transparent or resolving"

To me, this is far from an accurate statement. Ozzy has an amazing system, but I find my 3A sig/Rouge 99 Mag/Rega P5/SimAudio Equionox/Parasound 2205 set up to be very transparent and resolving. Music is conveyed in an emotional manner, very very realistic!
For what it's worth, one of my best audiophile friends is a Von schweikert dealer. They seem to be selling well. What does he have at home? Vandersteen's, I asked him about coming by to give the VR 4jrs a run through and he told me not to bother. He is more than happy to sell the heck out of them but, was quick to tell me that they couldn't hold up to a side by side comparison to the Vandersteen line.