Vandersteen 3A Sig vs. Von Schweikert VR4 Jr.

Ok, I've whittled my list down to the above. However, I have not had a chance to listen to either of these yet (dealers are scarce in my area.) I value the folks' opinions on this site very much and would like some regarding which speaker they'd recommend. I have Marantz SA8260 SACD and PM7200 Integrated. I listen to primarily Jazz and other acoustic music. Thanx in advance.

Showing 2 responses by alxg

If VR-4JR’s are not set-up right, they will not produce the best imaging... Due to my poor room layout it took me 2 months to position them right. I’m now rewarded not only by excellent imaging but also a 3-dimontional soundstage.
It’s very sad how so many dealers dump as many speakers that are pushed against the wall and expect us to learn about the true qualities of a particular speaker. To qualify my point further, I was in a store looking at different amps and have stumbled across a McIntosh Amp/Von Schweikert VR-4jr demo. I was very disappointed with this set-up.

VR-4jr’s were not loaded with lead and didn’t have the spikes. One of the speaker’s was berried in the corner of a room and practically blocked by the other demo speaker. The M/T module was not sited properly almost falling-off of the bass enclosure. The other speaker was pushed against the wall next to the open door. A single run of MIT cables were incorrectly plugged-in into the bass input of the woofer module and the interlink cable was used for attaching M/T to this woofer module.

As cheap as my electronics is, my VR-4jr’s sound 100 times better simply because I’ve followed the instructions provided to me in the manual. Why should we pay extra dollars to so-called dealers if they don’t even understand how to properly set-up audio systems?

Obviously everyone has a taste for a particular sound, as far as my taste goes the VR-4jr’s sound incredible if properly set-up.

Best regards,