Vandersteen 3a and Spendor sp1/2e's

Hi, I currently have the spendor and have come across a pair of the Vandersteens locally, they are mint and I think a good deal at 1200.00
I don't really want to put the guy through the hassles of packing them up and trying them in my room, but I just may. I am hoping that some of you have tried these great speakers and can magically tell me which one I would like best. As that may be hard, I would settle for which ones you liked best. I have a sub with the Spendors and don't feel I am missing any bass, but sometimes I think they could be a bit more detailed?
Any impressions or comparisons would be greatly appreciated.


Showing 5 responses by hanaleimike

Hey Guys, the room is 25 x 18 with 20ft peak ceilings. The couch is just in the middle of the room with lots of other crap. As far as the Jolida goes, old pictures, went to Cary and now maybe a mc2500, not sure. I found out they are not the signature model, oh well. I am going to pick them up tomorrow morning and try them out for a few days, I think it should be a pretty quick decision though, I am hoping the differences will be obvious. Not having as much luck with the sub intergration with the mac. Although the with the extra power of the Mcintosh, I don't feel as much need for one. Cool.
Thanks for the replies, I think I am just going to have to get the guy to bring them over for a while. How do I tell if they are the 3a or the 3a signature? Do they look the same?
Damn, I just lost my post.
Quick update. Tried them out and like them, I almost gave up and packed them back up, but after I tossed the set-up manual and toed them in lots, they sound great, I think better in almost every way, no complaints yet, but I told him I would decide by tomorrow. Thanks for all the help, and thanks John for the Spendors, they are great speakers. I may hold on to them for a while if I can.
One last question, my amplifier has 1,2,4,and 8 ohm taps. The speakers are 6 ohm. Should I hook them up to 4 or 8?

Thanks again,