Vandersteen 2WQ

Has anyone had any luck blending the Vandersteen 2WQ sub with any speakers other than the Vandersteen models?

Showing 4 responses by audioconnection

(((if you could place the subs elsewhere without having the sub make itself known))
Bob have you ever owned a Vandersteen 2WQ?
Cheers JohnnyR
Vandy dealer
The reason for first order filters mostly is they ring much less.
The Vandersteen 2WQ 3- 8 inch sealed woofers are Down firing,slot loaded which blocks higher frequencies but still maintains a more optimum transient response.
The reason for stereo sub-woofers is because there is
stereo information in the bass.
On some recordings the difference between them enhances the sense of space at the venue.
Using two sources, placed in two different locations,in the room gives a more linear response always.
Quasi first order low- pass filters sum better with a first order high-pass with notably less ringing.
JohnnyR dealer
((( Are the 2WQ meant to simply extend the bass response beyond the frequency of the main speaker,))) Yes
(((also fix the in-room bass response))) Yes
(((address the bass response in the room and make it "better" (tighter, more defined)?))) Yes
((( Reading the 2WQ's manual on the Vandersteen website, it seems that they are supposed to actually improve the bass response beyond simply making it deeper despite room/speaker placement limitations))))
A Vandersteen 2 WQ or pair of 2WQs allow bass to enter into the room more evenly. This will even out the in room Bass response.
When you even out the bass response the whole frequincy responce just blends better.

((How do you connect the subwoofers to your existing equipment))

Simple the 2WQ gets its input at speaker level.
This has its advantages as the sub amp will
now take on the same character as your main speaker amp.

((((High pass filters. Only the "higher" frequencies go through to the main speaker, while the low frequencies go to the subwoofer, right?))))

Think of a high pass as the device that takes the load off of the main Amp/speaker by allowing less of the lowest bass into the main amp.
This lowers the distortion by four times dramatically improving dynamics clarity and transparency of the whole system.
Isolation of a turntable away from moving surfaces is
always best.
Vandersteen dealer
(((It sounds like the 2WQ would improve the overall bass response even though they would at the same time increase the actual bass output within the room boundaries, correct?))

Because of the Vandy high pass, you now have control on
the main speakers/amp and can adjust to preference tighten or loosen them up at the rooms resonance or overload point.
The 2WQ as mentioned above can now be adjusted for the rooms best transition blending, while achieving genuine extension lending music a more enjoyable foundation.