Vandersteen 2ci: what a pleasant surprise

Like a lot of you out there, I've been buying and selling, trying different stuff here and there. I don't really spend a lot of money on gear,and I almost exclusively buy in the used market. I find a lot of benefits in buying used high end products (lower price being the first obvious reason, and the list goes on). My last "venture" was trying out a pair of Vandersteen 2ci's, they're not even the ce model. I've always wanted to try a pair of Vandys but never got the chance to. It's funny since I've been into this hobby for a good 15 years now, and having gone through a multitude of speakers (Martin Logan, Heybrook - when they were still good, Apogee, Linn, Mirage, Totem, Epos, - when they were still good, Mission, PSB, Magnapan, Sonus Faber, Meadowlark, B&W, Gallo, and probably a few more) I have never owned a pair of Vandys. So much for the intro. I finally bought a used pair here at Audiogon and much to my surprise upon setting them up, they are pretty good. It's one of those things that just gels together I guess. Everything in my system matches very well to the fullest potential of these Vandys (EAD T1000/DSP7000mk3 combo - SFL-1 Signature - Sonographe SA250 with DH labs and Audioquest cabling). I didn't think I would be this much impressed since they are the older model Vandy 2 and I remember listening to a pair of the 2ce's at my brother's house and really wasn't that impressed, but man, I don't know if my 2ci's are just flukes - they trully sing!!! It's a great feeling when you buy something at a great price, not expecting a lot from it then - BANG - it blows you away!! Any other similar experiences anyone care to share out there???
I hear ya Gemini..This is what I enjoy most about the hobby. Finding gear that doesn't cost an arm an a leg but is musical and pleasing! I am not looking for an end to all sound(because no such thing exist at any price). That would make things pretty boring to me. My goal is to listen in my home to as many brands as I possibly can. It makes things more interesting and also tunes the ears to pick up on things normally missed when anchored to one type of speaker or component.

Enjoy the Trip .It is the Best Part!!
Bigtee nailed it. I've heard Vandy 2's in many incarnations in many diferent rooms, dealers included. Rooom and placement are paramount. Set up properly they may be the best bargain in all of audio. Set up improperly and they are sure to dissapoint. Mind you, I'm a Thiel owner. While my personal preferences has led me in another direction, I can't help but appreciate the intrinsinc value that the Vandy 2's offer.
I’m also a big fan of the 2ci. With my exposure to Audiogon the use gear market makes it possible to buy and try. The Vandy’s were my 1st purchase only a few years ago. Replaced a set of Magnepan 2b’s II. Much better all around performance especially in the bass area. Even got the desired light brown cloth finish to match my home decor. Much more rare to find then the standard black. To date speaker cables, preamp and DAC have been upgraded (Transparent Audio Ultras, ARC SP11 Mk2, and recent Electrocompaniet ECD 1 24/192 due to arrive next week). When my pocket book allows a set of 3A Signatures is on my list of thing to watch for. To reiterate, Vandersteen 2ci, a pleasant surprise in dead...
After being out of the audio loop for many years, last year I decided to get back into it. I had sold my old gear several years ago on ebay and really started from scratch all over again. After much reading about the latest speakers I started searching out for where I could audition what I was reading about. Since I travel on business often, it made it easier to find the right places to go. I started with time and phase aligned type speakers because that is where I left off many years ago. After a couple of months, I was pretty sold on Meadowlark until I found Vandersteen. The first and only set I heard were the 2CE Signatures. I heard your bang and immediately set out to listen to the 3A's. Never did hear them, I just decided to buy a pair of the 3A Sig's, on Audiogon of course, I figured I couldn't lose. Fortunately I was right, I am delighted with their performance and now enjoy the little tweaks like speaker placement and room acoustics to continually improve the overall presentation. The addition of 2 Vandersteen 2WQ subs came next and I've just recently purchased new cables and have noticed improvements with these. There is a lot of discussion about specific amps that the Vandersteens mate better with. I guess that will be my next quest. If you decide to go hear the 3A's, make sure you have the money saved. You will probably want to take that next step immediately. Have fun!
Thanks for the intersting replies....I've also tried the Thiel 1.5's and was quite impressed with them, with their espansive soundstage, pinpoint imaging and clarity. But with the amount of money I paid for these full rangs 2ci's, it's hard to beat. A lot of you say that the vandys are all about music and it's true...that's all you hear....when you are able to get the magic out of the vandys, or any sytems for that matter, you get to forget about what cables you're using, what electronics your running, etc, etc - what you're left with is just your soul and the music and you get lost.....ahhhh, what a hobby!!!...enjoy the ride, like one of you said :)