Vandersteen 2ce Signatures vs 2ce Signature II


Looking at new speakers. Thinking about the vandys.
I am looking at getting a pair of 2ce sigs.
Question is the mark 1 or 2?

I found a pair of original 2ce sigs at a very good price.
How do they compare to the sig II?
Worth the extra.

The 2mkII is big improvement in the most critical areas. It has the identical tweeter and patented midrange driver that the 3A Signature has along with all of the required crossover upgrades.

The sound is more open/less boxy- especially in the midrange as well as more detailed and refined.

I am a Vandersteen dealer.
Worth the $700 difference I am being quoted between demo sig1's and the sig 2s?

Sounds like it is quite a large jump, and would be worth it.
But I would just like to confirm.

I own the Sig IIs and have only heard the "plain" Sigs one time, several years ago, so I can't offer the comparison you're looking for. I can say, however, that the Sig IIs are very nearly as good as the 3A Sigs in a smaller, more affordable package. IMO, they are the best value in audio, delivering performance that, in many ways, approaches the best I've heard (a list that includes the Wilson W/P 7, Thiel 7.2, Revel Studio, and Avalon Eclipse). If you can afford the price difference, my suggestion is to go with the latest iteration.