Vandersteen 2Ce Signature vs 3A

Can anyone tell me what the major difference is between the 2Ce Signatures and 3A in terms of sound? How about the 3A vs the 3A signature? Are these upgrades significant or not worth the money?
i'm just about to pull the trigger on moving from 2ce sigs to 3a sigs. i only have a BEL1001 amp running stereo. is it going to be enough power? i know the literature says it should be 100-200wpc.... any advice?
One BEL will do unless you're listening to things such as opera at full voice (VERY loud). The amp will not clip hard. It's like a tube amp in this respect. 99% of the time, it's fine. I'd say try it and if you notice any compression at high volumes you should get a matching BEL amp. That will solve the problem completely.
mikej- thanks for the reply. another question. currently i am not biwiring my 2cesigs. i have a very high quality jumper. what difference would i expect to get sonically from biwiring with vandersteens? is it critical for the 3a sigs?
Bi-wire them. I'm not sure I buy into the reasoning, but with Vandies it sure does seem to help. BTW, seperate runs seem the best way to to appreciate the benefits of bi-wiring.
Bi-wiring will offer an incremental improvement in the sound for your speakers. The only jumper/cable combo that equals or betters this that I've tried is from BEL. Everything else was not as good as traditional bi-wire. XLO and others (pick your favorite) work well.
If you're not sure this is worth the expense, ask your dealer to loan you a bi-wire set to take home and you'll see what I mean. The jumpers just aren't going to cut it.
Regarding wires in general, I suggest you use the same type throughout the system. That way it's really a component and not a tone control.