Vandersteen 1C - Best Integrated For Vinyl Lovers?

Can anyone out there please provide a suggestion or two for an integrated amp which will work nicely with Vandersteen 1C's - particularly for vinyl listening?

I'm open to pretty much anything used/new costing up to $1K - I listen to quite a lot of electric guitar music, so having a good solid low end would be my main concern.

Currently using a Nakamichi SR-3A with a Rotel RP-955 turntable, which certainly sounds pleasing - I just wish I wouldn't have to turn it up so loud to feel the bass properly. This is only the case when listening to vinyl, and not CD's. Subs are not an option due to the room size.

Any help is appreciated!

Showing 1 response by jebe1

If you don't need a phone stage, the Audio Refinement Complete Alpha works really well the Vandersteen 1cs. I previously had a Nakamichi SR-4A hooked up to them, but the Audio Refinement Complete is much smoother.