van den Hul 3T new cables Mountain and Cumulus

I always have had great respect to VDH products.
Many time ago they introduced non-metal cables based on carbon.
Since then they developed few lines of their cables.
The last addition to the range are cables belong to so called 3T series.

Top of the line IC is Mountain, and top of the line speaker cable is Cumulus.

I would like to ask if anybody had an opportunity to audition these cables and could share an impression.

I hope for good blend of properities carbon cables with more resolution, more punchy bass and better transparency overall.
The only VDH I ever had was the D102 III. They have so many fricken product lines it just confuses potential new customers.
Recently I bought "The river" and I am using it with pream/amp connection. The cable is a wonder indeed. The music has more bass and it is more clear. I think this is the most effective cable I ever bought.
In '80s I was introduced to VdH speaker cable via Excel Hi-fi Co. in HK. It was a great improvement over the Monster I was using. That was upgraded to Magnum in 2010. My confidence in VdH cables grew as I discovered Rain Forest, a small but high quality record company in Guangzhou deployed VdH cables in all areas of production. I bought Jubilee XLR for CD to amp shortly thereafter. This year I upgraded my system with a new CD player and pre/power amps. Jubilee is used with the amps while I use the Hill (3T) for CD. My brother bought the River RCA as a gift for a friend yesterday.
VdH cables are very transparent and extended in FR. Dynamics is not a problem.
They are also neutral and so coloration does not occur to an audible or significant extent. Bass digs deep and is well defined. This exemplifies with classical music with much bass energy. With rock and pop you do get a touch of excitement but I have to say punch and throbbing of chest is limited. In summary they are all able to aid reproduction faithfully. However, if you are looking for drama in bass, you may need to look elsewhere.
Like you, I am a fan of vdH, and have found the First Ultimate to be my reference, and in fact could not pick a huge difference when compared to, even, Indras. I have since got 2 pairs of the Mountain, phono-pre and pre - power. Just can't fault them, they seem to not add or take away anything. No harsh edginess, but fine detail micro and macro dynamics, and superb bass just everything well balanced. I must say I have used them in a Electrostatic/Valve amp, and cone driver solid/ state systems, and have always preferred them to all other cables that I have tried. Having bought more expensive cables, that I wanted to like, after a few weeks I always went back to the vdH cables. I suspect there are heaps of audiophiles quietly using these in their systems, but because they don't bring out a new model every year or charge 5 figure sums they don't register on the high end reviewer's radar? The Cumulus interests me, but that is a little pricey to buy without an audition, currently bi-wiring with the revelation, and happy.
In summary, as far as I know only Stealth and vdH are making amorphous metal, and carbon cables, everyone else is using 99999999 copper or silver, I am impressed by The Mountain, and you will have to pay 10 x the price to get marginal/questionable improvements. Just my tuppence, for what it's worth.