i have used a number of VanAlstine products over the years. The company service is excellent and comparable to Krell, Transparent, and any of the best. their products are the Best bang for your buck on the market. i compared their solid statee amps to Bryston, Classe, Adcom, Krell, B&K and a few more. The AVA clearly is a superior sound to all of these. Then when you factor in the price issue these products can not be beat. The owner is passionate about music and the price ripoffs in the high-end and has run his company with those values singing out of everything he does. The only downside to these products is aesthetics. They are plain vanilla. But if value outstanding audiophile sound on a smaller budget this the way to go. Check out their Biro speakers also, best speakers under $10,000 on the market today - BAR NONE!