Valve phono or valve linestage?

Which do you consider more influential in the creation of the purist 'valve' pluses such as....transparency, harmonic richness, three dimensional realism and soundstage?
I lived with a top valve preamp (which included a phono section) for 25 years.
The last 5 years I've had a top SS preamp (including phono section) but have recently re-installed the 'old' valve preamp and can hear the differences.
What I don't know is......which stage is providing the greatest contribution?

Showing 1 response by ricardo

When I swapped a CJ Premier 10 for my CJ PFR, I was surprise how much more I enjoy listening to records. Yes, the sound is different with CDs and LPs, but there was a qualitative different most apparent in even old rock LPs. I wonder why.

I like both preamps, but it's the result with LPs that convinced me to part with my PFR (so I can upgrade my 40 year old Thorens TD 150 for a VPI Traveler, perhaps). I guess I move slowly.