Value on Electrocompaniet

Hello there..Newbie here...I've been asked to sell some audio EQ for a buddy but we have no idea of the value of a 
Electrocompaniet amp & preamp..there's no model #'s & based on a YouTube video I watched it's exactly these units but no info..he got these in the early to mid 70's & I think in the very early production units..any help would be appreciate..he also has a HK Citation Sixteen power amp..B&O Beogram 4002 TT w/cartridge...Yamaha PX 2 TT w/cartridge.
Thanks, Jack
Electrocompaniet is alive and well, and still being sold in US.  They just released a new super integrated amp all in one over the summer.

i am happy to stand corrected on this one!
An unidentified YouTube reference is of no help. Perhaps if you posted a link to photos of the gear someone might be able to identify the specific models. 
Yes I did see that video & all they're doing is taking them apart but those are the exact ones,