Value of burn/break in?

I have my first hi end audio system. I fired it up, popped in a cd, and it doesn't have the vibrant sound that I thought it might have. I have a slightly used demo power amp from a dealer, slightly used demo speakers from a dealer, but a brand new tube preamp. A friend of mine told me that I will see a huge difference in sound quality once the tube preamp breaks in. I was wondering if I should get a break in cd or just wait till normal listening does the job

Showing 1 response by giri

When I bought Cary Audio SLP 05 preamp, it sounded horrible out of the box. Billy Wright of Cary Audio told me to leave the preamp on with amps off and play something like a radio through the preamp continuously for 50-75 hours (Friday through Sunday). It made rather dramatic change which continued for next week or so with usual listening sessions. I don’t know if that will breakin the wires (interconnects might be but not speaker wire). 
Good listening!