Vacuum tube ! And Warnings

To all out there who have Vacuum tube Amplifiers .
my friend just bought his first tube amp , it came with EL34 power tubes he wanted to get a bit more punch . He ordered on EBay  6550s I told him I would assist in fine tuning the bias.
he plugged them in we turned it on and a huge transient goes through one of the speakers and a surge through one tube . I shut it down waited 5 minutes then turn it on bias has a built in meter ,I checked they were over 90 +milliamperes maxed the meter. should be around 50. I removed them , he is sending back.the story here is many Ebay sellers don’t even test them they just get them from Russia and state as a match quad ,and runin for 24 hours . Never buy from anyone that doesnot  personally check them .
viva tubes, and upscale Audio are good , Jim mc Shane is good.
for vintage tubes, Brent Jesse recording, and Vintage tube services   I recommend. 

Showing 2 responses by mozartfan

I just looked over Canary's listing on their EL34,,,does anyone see where it says the EL34's can be swapped  out?
The amp looks to me like a  EL34 amp and no other tube allowed.

I just can not lay the blame on the tube quality.
Yeah EL34's seem not same league  as 90/88's/6550's. Seems altogether dif design. Its like a  minature 90.

I know there are quite a  few audiogoners who havea  negative bias on buying tubes from ebay sellers.
I've bought quitea  few lately and have no issues. 
Nearly all test as seller states.
The reputable dealers prices are out my budget, ebay offers a  opportunity to purchase these fine NOS tubes. Test strong is OK with me. Sonics on a strong tube will be identical  with a  NOS.