Vacuum tube amplified headphones... an item that personally I've no real interest in, nor am I in any way linked to or have any potential to make any financial gain upon....nor do I know any of those involved with them....

But, in the interest of those would might find such an item of interest:

Kickstart This...

When a pair hits your pate, let me know if it's a hit *ow*...or a miss *(f/m voice) "What?..."*

I get notifications on K/S projects, and this is the 1st one I've seen of this nature.
If I see anything of an 'phile nature, I'll post it 'for your consideration'...just because. ;)

Have a great weekend, J


Showing 3 responses by mahgister

I am now a headphone fan because fate take my acoustic room and speakers away, but with the AKG K340 hybrid, my actual system beat my tuned speakers/room , and to beat my K340 someone will need a dedicated acoustic room with speakers way better than my Mission Cyrus 781...Cost : over the sky...( ask an acoustician how is the cost a dedicated room, and if you do it yourself , i takes me at least a year full time of listenings experiments to figure out and tune my resonators )


Cost of my Akg K340 : 100 bucks ...By the way the bass i hear correspond to a subwoofer arrays...but it vtakes me 6 months to peut them on their optimal level ( 6 modifications) Nothing is easy... But it is more simple than speakers/room well done...i dont think that in S.Q. many headpgone can beat them, after all they were compared to Stax omega  favorably because of deep bass impact and holography and electrostatic highs and this 45 years ago without optimization...


«I believe everything first  being a hard core skeptic»----Groucho Marx 🤓





Me too...

But any innovation in headphones interest me now...

Thanks to the OP...


Appropriately named old coot. 

Nice marketing. I’ll be interested to see some reviews by real audiophiles before passing judgment. Although I am skeptical.