Vacuum State JLTi/w its PS Parasound JC3

I have the Lyra Delos cartridge.
I am looking at both phonostages mentioned which have about the same ballpark price. vs

Could you share your experience on both if you had actually compared them? I am interested in how you would describe them sonically.

I listen to techno, electronica, pop, jazz, country stuff.
Rarely classical.

Thank you
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Hi Beatlebum,
Noted your preference of Herron VTPH-2 over
- Parasound JC2
- Fosgate Signature
- VS JLTi with power supply
However, I am sorry to say that I don't want tubes in my phonosatge.

Hi Mofimadness,
Did you actually compare the JLTi and JC3 side by side? It will be interesting to hear your comments.

Thanks, guys!

Call Keith Herron at Herron Audio (no affiliation just a happy satisfied customer) and speak with him regarding your system and what you're looking to hear. He's a real gentleman as well.

I have a Lyra Delos as well and the Herron VTPH-2 bettered the Parasound JC3, Fosgate Signature and the VS piece, in my system.

Happy Listening!
Some parts of the subject title and text got truncated.

Vacuum State JLTi/w its PS vs Parasound JC3
ball park MSRP $2600 vs $2350, respectively
Thank you