VAC / Wilson cables

Before year end I'll be replacing my VAC Ren 70/70 with Kevin's current iteration, the Phi 300. I've already upgraded from Wilson's Watt/Puppy 5 to Sophia 3. The cables, however, remain Transparent Reference.

I'm wondering, having upgraded at each end, if anyone has experience with a more current and improved speaker cable ? The pre-amp is Shindo's Giscours, fed by the Miyajima Kansui on a TW Limited table. Chamber, vocals, and keyboard is the diet.


Showing 1 response by audiooracle

As someone with vast VAC Ren experience, I sold them since these amplifiers came out, I agree with with Dearing,
the newer amplifiers were not magical even though the build quality and fit and finish were way better.

The Ren series had some small issues in extreme treble extension, but over all these are the best amplifiers VAC has ever made.

As per networked cables I have found that Transparent Cables were far better than non networked cables of the day today's cabling is vastly better.