VAC Signature MKIIa pre-amp

I wanted to share that I received my VAC pre. a few days ago, the fit and finish is top notch (I got mine in silver/chrome combo including a nice simple metal remote, not plastic like allot of others.

I have owned along with being very fortunate to have had many world class pre's in my set-ups over the years, ARC, MBL, VTL, JRD, DARTZEEL, BAT, to name a few and presently own a ARC REF3 and the VAC.

I will say in my own experience and placing this specific VAC pre-amp straight out of the box into my system had me saying "this is really nice, I am hearing huge positive sonics going on never mind the stage presence right across the entire spectrum and know from past experience that it will only continue during break-in process, this is a welcomed surprise and very nice!" This has never happened before, my last pre that I had for audition was the new ARC REF5 and in my set-up it did not offer such, it was well broken-in.

The VAC has now been in my set-up for a few days and on 24/7, all I can say is this sure is a whole new world and the differences are all very positive across the board, my MBL's are very happy!

I'll comment more when I have put some hours in.

Current set-up;

MBL 101E speakers
VAC pre as above mentioned with phono
Bryston 28 Squared mono blocks
Torus RM20, one for each mono block
MBL 1621a transport
Graham Phantom MKII arm
Dynavector XV-1s cart

Cables; Stealth through out, I have tried allot of others and I'm very happy with this product line, I find myself no longer looking I'm off the mari-go-round

-Two runs of Dream cables to the speakers for true bi-wire
-Indra's with latest connectors, XLR's through out
-Dream power cables through out
-Hyperphono for arm connection
-Sextet AES with latest XLR connectors

I have only been using my REDBOOK CD so far, I also have a Audia Flight One phono that I'll be able to compare to the one built-in the VAC pre. and have a couple others to compare but this will be farther in the fall time and I'm looking forward to it.

I used a McCormack DNA-500. Great sonics, lots of power and runs warm at worst. Now a tube guy, but the DNA would be on my short list for SS (actually, keeping mine for the elusive "2nd system")
Reading this email was like reading my mind. We are a dealer in northern NJ and just took delivery of our VAC Signature MK IIIa pre as well. We ordered it with a MC/MM phono stage. We put it in our main mbl system, driving mbl 9008A mono blocks driving the new 101E MKII's and 111F's, and to say we were blown away would be a gross understatement. This is one magnificent preamp!!
It has so much richness and body that it is almost impossible to end a listening session. The musical enjoyment we have gained having the VAC in the system totally out weighs any other virtue one might be looking for in a high end pre.
By the way, we find no less resolution, dynamic range, soundstaging, or image focus than any other pre we have auditioned.
Hi all,
MBL 101E are my dream speakers. But in audio show the dealer always use all MBL combo.
Can anyone comment on MBL 6010D vs VAC Signature MKIIa pre-amp with MBL 9008a and MBL 101E?
I am also very curious about VAC Signature MKIIa pre-amp + new VAC Statement 440 monoblock power amplifier in a MBL 101E system. All black/gold color is also a visual match... :D
Hi Dev,

What are your latest thoughts on the preamp, now that you had it for a few months?
Hi Rtn1,

first thing that comes to mind is that the veil has been lifted from my system, I knew there was a bit present due to placing other world class pre-amps within my set-up but never really knew to the extent until placing this VAC in my set-up. My MBL 6010d did not even capture this, comparing the ARC REF3 to the MBL there were differences mainly floor noise, bass but in the end over all I still prefered the Ref3. When I got the Ref5 well you can refer to my thread about that.

Here is how I can sum it up, it's like going for a drive and you go down into a valley where it's really foggy and then you drive out of that same valley and it's sunny with perfectly clear blue sky, what a feeling!

Over all the sonics in my system have been greatly improved, my MBL's are lovin it. Highly recommend if there's a way to get one to demo in your own set-up, I wasn't fortuanate enough to be able to do such but in the end it all worked out, MBL and Ref3 both sold recently.

One area that does bother me a bit is the volume remote and how it works, not as smooth as others I have had along with you have no clue of what the volume setting actually is but that being said I'm very happy that I pulled the trigger and got one.

I have had allot of top notch world contenders over the years and by far this is my favorite in my set-up. Fit and finish is top notch, nice to look at.

I also got mine with the phono installed because I was wanting to exspeariment with a table set-up, too early to really comment but so far no complaints. I actually prefer my vinyl set-up over my RedBook sonic wise by a far margin and it's still only in the break-in stage, really can't believe the differences.

Artylandy, if you read some of my past threads you will gather allot of info. of what I have been up to, searching for the ultimate pces to mate up with my MBL's. It's been a journy and I would have never thought that I would have ended up with the amps I have but they just work. I have had all the MBL pces you refer to along with their top amps etc. but in the end it really comes down to your own preference, mine was not having them paired up. The VAC amps you mentioned really interest me also but they are costly, not being able to demo first without any commitment, well you know the risk never mind the cost layout. Don't know how much heat they really throw off either, if I could live with them or not. I owned CAT JL3 Sig. MK2 tube mono blocks prior, if these VAC's throw off the same heat I would be okay with it.

Another tube amp that comes to thought is the Destiny 350 mono's from Joule.