VAC Preamp

Does anyone have experience with the VAC Standard or Standard LE preamp? I was thinking about a used one and having it retrofitted to accept a balanced input for my SACD unit. I am wondering whether the sound was "tubey" or not and whether the quality of the unit was worth the price. Also, any comparisons to Aesthetix or other preamps would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by duddley

My first separate preamp was a used VAC standard. I liked it enough to stay with VAC gear for thirty years now. As far as quality goes, everything they make is built like the proverbial brick shithouse. It is all heirloom level stuff. Furthermore, their customer support is second to none. The owner, has spent time on the phone with me diagnosing issues even though I was not the original owner, and the unit was out of warranty. 

As far as "tubey" goes.... That really depends on what you mean. Do tubes sound different than solid state? Yes, although the gap has been steadily narrowing. Will you prefer one to the other? Probably, but which one will be entirely up to you. Everything distorts, so it's really a matter of picking your poison. Audition all you can. If you don't like the VAC Standard you should have no trouble selling it for a good price, as VACs tend hold their value.