VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?

I'm contemplating my next upgrade. Thought you guys could help.

I spin mostly vinyl. I have a great analogue front end that feeds a VAC Standard LE pre and VAC PHI 200 amp, both of which I love. The MC stage on the pre is really good, but a little noisy (hiss). Kevin is sending me new 12AX7s that Brent will test for very low noise at the VACtory. Those guys just rock!

My question, however, is how much do I need to spend on an outboard MC phono stage if I want a significant upgrade to the already wonderful sound of the built-in stage?

I know, why don't I just enjoy the wonderful sound? Because it's upgrade time, baby! There will always be a next level (we really need a 12 step group for this hobby).

I'm looking at the Zesto Andros ($3900), the Herron VTPH-2 ($3700), and possibly the new Manley Chinook ($2200).

Ideally, I could audition these in my system, but the nearest dealer is far away, so I'll have to order one.

Any thoughts are welcome. Thanks,
Alón (no, not Wolf)
Ag insider logo xs@2xalonski

Showing 2 responses by swampwalker

I've not compared tons of phono stages but I will say that when I owned a Ren Mk2, the internal MC phono easily beat the Rhea and Rhea Sig and was very similar to the Steelhead. However, you may want to consider an active gain stage phono or head amp, instead of an SUT. IME, SUTs are VERY sensitive to loading and cables. I found that the ZYX Artisan phono stage was VERY close to a Doshi Alaap phono stage and that the ZYX head amp also did a fantastic job, both w ZYX carts. FWIW, I've always thought that loading was more an issue w MC carts, and that for MMs, 47K was a de-facto standard. I could be wrong; its happened once or twice ;-)
Alonski- One of the advantages (or not) of the ZYX units is that there are no buttons or dials or loading choices. I think it was A. Salvatore who first brought it to the attention of U.S. 'philes and called it a very zen kind of product. No flash, a small plain, exquisitely finished wooden box w 2 dip switches in back- one for mm/mc and one for charge or operate. Oh, yeah, that is an advantage it runs off batteries which I think is probably a real advantage when dealing w these very small signals. Likely outside of your price range, but I replaced my VAC w a Doshi Alaap. Nick does make separate phono stages but they are rarely seen for sale here. Lots of choices on loading and multiple phono inputs and he will gladly customize one for your choice of carts. I recently had my full-featured Alaap pre upgraded to nearly full monty status and I have been very very impressed. Not nearly the ergonomics, flexibility or fit;n;finish of the VAC Ren units, but the upgraded sound really is quite remarkable.