V-Cap OIMP or Mundorf Silver and Oil?

I finally figured out that the cap in my Paradigm Signature 2 crossover is a 6.8uf. The VH Teflon V-caps aren't available in that high of a value, but the VH OIMP caps are. I was also considering the Mundorf Silver and Oil caps. Anyone have a preference?

I've got the Mundorf's in my Primaluna Prologue One with about 72 hours of burn in. Big improvements after the first 48hours so I'm really impressed with them so far.

Showing 1 response by plinko

Gnugear, just curious as to what you did specifically with the cap mods. Didn't the adaptive autiobias board get in the way?

Cap change are something I am considered with my Prologue II.