Utopia Micros + Sub vs. Utopia Divas vs. Merlin


This is my first post and my first foray into the home audio world. Everything I know about 2 channel systems I've learned in the last two weeks reading hundreds or thousands of posts here. I'm building my first system for a carpeted room that is 13x18 with an 8' ceiling where the speakers have to be placed against the long wall and no farther than 3 feet from the wall behind. I listen to singer songwriter stuff (Jack Johnson), acoustic leaning indie rock (Shins, My Morning Jacket), some pop (the Fray, Corinne Bailey Rae), and a little classical. I only am interested in CDs.

I have a deal working for a McIntosh MC352 and MCD201 cd player, which will also act as a pre-amp.

I can only afford used speakers--Micros and VSM-MMs seem to be in the $4K range; Divas more but the difference is about the same as a sub--looking at the ACI Titan.

Given this approximately $5K-$6K speaker budget, would you recommend the Utopia Micro Be + a sub, the Utopia Divas, or the Merlin VSM-MMs?

Can I even run a sub without a dedicated preamp?

Thank you very much for your input.
The Divas are awesome speakers but what Nealrm said is right on - you need to be able to experiement a little with their placement. I am talking several inches and not several feet so unless you have a room nazi over your shoulder, I would go with the Divas. They should work extremely well reather easily since you are placing them on the long wall. The short wall would have been a problem.

Also, McIntosh amplification with Focal is the way to go. You will end up with a killer system. Good luck and have fun. Arthur
I thought the Micros were very good, definitely good enough to make me happy. I've thought this about a number of speakers. They've all been pushed by fairly expensive electronics, though.
I just have a hard time comparing listening memories at this time since I've not been able to do quick A/B comparisons at the push of a button like I did when I bought Dynaudio car speakers about 4 years ago.
The new 1027 Be is much easier to place than the Divas and will work better in most rooms/set-ups. Every FOCAL dealer that I have visted this year has recommended the 1027 Be over the Diva for 2-channel listening. If your patient, you could find a used pair of 1027 Be for $5,000+, around the same price as used Diva, but may have better results.
I have the Divas, and while I dearly love them, they are very room and placement dependent. If you have the ability to work with the speakers position and not horribly limited by furnature, doorways, etc, then I would vote for the Divas. Should be able to find a used set for around $5k-$6k.
If you use a Rel Sub you will not need pre-amp outputs. This is because the connection is made directly to your amp. I have a Rel Britannia B3 and it blends very smoothly with my JM Lab - Focal Profile 918's. I researched many subs and there are lots of reviews about Rel subs and their connections directly to the amp.

I've heard the Utopia but not the Merlins.
I'm basing my choices a lot on a composite of all the comments and reviews about both.
I know--it's not the best way to go about it but I find listening at dealers almost less helpful and I don't want to put out people that I won't be buying from because of budget constraints.
In a German audio magazine the Diva bettered the Micro BE + Utopia sub , but do try the Diva at home.
The Diva seems to be very roomdependend ,in the right room it`s very very good.
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