Usless but interesting many of you old timers started with original Large Advents?

It was actually my second "real" system...but it is simply historic how many people that love great audio systems and the music they allowed us to enjoy started or at one time owned the original Large Advents.  If there is to be a list of the most influential audio products of all time, the Large Advent would be at or near the top.  I guess another interesting question would be how many sets of these Large Advents are still in use.  My brother in law and my sister still have a set of Small Advents in use in their den. 

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Large Advents since 1974, stacked with the 25th Anniversary version.  Pulled them out last year for Jimmy Smith’s Hammond B-3 and massive pipe organ music.  I’m giving my ZU DRUIDs a rest because these are a lot of FUN.  The electronics upstream are tube.