Using very bright and very dull CD's to test the extremes.

I'm interested in finding out if you use a very bright and/or very "dull" CD for auditioning equipment, and if so, which ones you would recommend. I have found Fleetwood Mac's "Rumours", for example, to be lacking in detail, air and top end, but useful for determining if equipment would render this fine album unacceptably "dull". Thanks for you help. Steve

Showing 1 response by danvetc

I can't make any sense out of buying or tweaking a system by using poor source material. In fact, how can that not lead to big, big mistakes? Especially with speakers! IMHO, a system should be able to reproduce as accurately as possible what is on the source. (Is that not a no-brainer?) It would seem to be more logical to have additional sources, (software when available, or hardware when necessary,) to choose alternative distortions of the presentation to make it more listenable. Maybe digital equilization will be made more affordable soon that might allow favorable tweaking of the sound for those unpleasant productions. Charlie