Using the VPI SDS with non-VPI turntables

The SDS makes a profound improvement in the sound of my early-model VPI TNT and is also great for changing the speed from 33 to 45 rpm. Now I'd like to try the SDS with another of my turntables, a modified Lenco L78, but want a little reassurance beforehand.

According to the SDS manual: "Remember, you can use the SDS for better sound on any turntable, but you can adjust the speed ONLY on turntables which have AC synchronous or induction motors and which have no electronic circuitry of their own." I have no idea what kind of motor is in the Lenco, but there's no electronic circuitry. One issue is that with the TNT at least, the SDS automatically reduces its operating voltage to 72 vac when set for 33 1/3 rpm.

Is anyone using the SDS with other (non-VPI) turntables? I'm mighty curious about whether the SDS would improve the Lenco, but I sure don't want to damage either one. Any thoughts? TIA, Dave

Showing 2 responses by easytune

Hello Dave,
I have rebuild lenco 78 TT.It's running a little fast. Do you have any speed issue with your lenco? How you measure and correct speed? because i am thinking of getting one speed controller for my well tempered and lenco?
Thanks for any information! KB
hello Dave,
I repeatedly measure lenco speed by stop watch since I have no strobe disc to check speed. It turns out 59.70 seconds for 33and 1/3 rpm. I am not sure it's acceptable,but it sounds good for listening.Assume that my measuring method outcome is correct. Do you think Vpi sds speed controller would further improve speed accuracy in my case. Or I think I need to adjust the lever under table plate to move idle wheel a little tiny out.But I hate to do this.
Thanks again for any suggestions! KB