Using streaming as a main source ---DSD, FLAC, MQA Streamers and DACS

As I read these forums, and watch copious amounts of Youtube, I'm struck by what a bad idea some of the streaming / digital formats are doing. I'm trying to build a system where I have a streamer, dad, and amplifier (with pre-amp) as separate components but what I keep finding is that the streaming/digital world is totally confused.


MQA seems to be both advancing with new MQair support and dying (few audiophiles seem to like it).

-- DSD -- 

Seems to be favored by High-end audiophiles but not streaming services. 

-- FLAC --

FLAC seems to be pushed by Qobuz which seems to be the preferred service for high quality audio (but not for music recommendations). 


Choosing a Streamer / DAC is a nightmare -- given the industry going back and forth on quality, formats, special licensing. Does one choose the formats they want to use and then find appropriate DAC etc or does one choose a DAC that sounds great and then accept its limitations.

I don't understand why streamers don't commit to upscaling to 24/192 or DSD256 for any format so the DAC peeps can focus on a single format. 

So how does one decide where to start? 






Showing 1 response by brskie

OP. I am new to streaming after 50+ yrs of analogue combined with 10 yrs of playing ripped CDs (AIFF) on my Mac Book Pro through my pre. I too was daunted by all the rapidly evolving technology. I finally went to a local dealer, Jonny Rutan at Audio Connection, and he got me started on a nice easy path with which to begin my streaming journey.

I bought an Auralic Altair G1 streamer/DAC one box solution. I am ecstatic. It is so simple and the quality is extremely good for the price of around $3,500 USD. It punches way above its price point. For years I resisted streaming because it seemed so overwhelming, and now I have the world of music at my fingertips. BTW I use Quobuz.

Do yourself a favor and find a dealer to work with if you feel the need to jump right in and build a really high-end system. But if you don't mind going slowly like I am doing, then the Aurelic Altair is a great starting point. Enjoy the journey.
