Using Mikro-Smooth w/o Scratching

I've seen several people complain in this forum that they get tiny scratches on their CDs from using Mapleshade's Mikro-Smooth. I had the same problem and thought it was from grit on the polishing pads, so I ordered some new pads. Unfortuately, the scratches continued. I was about to give up on the product when I decided to try a new approach--skips the pads altogether and spread it around the CD with my index finger (after washing my hands).

The result was 1) no scratches 2) improved sound. So I decided Mikro-Smooth is a keeper. I follow it up with Optrix spray and the Ionoclast, but I might experiment with Vivid and Auric Illuminator instead of Optrix. Has anyone tried one of these latter combos?


Showing 1 response by sean

I'm almost afraid to mix & match random chemicals for fear of causing some type of reaction between them. I know people that have literally passed on ( died ) from mixing typical household cleaning solvents and inadvertently inhaling the fumes that resulted. While i'm not real concerned about keeling over from the fumes of CD cleaners being mixed together, i'm concerned about the longevity of the discs themselves and the random reactions that may take place. Anyone ever noticed degradation of their discs from using specific "cleaners" and / or mixing various cleaners together? Sean

Currently listening to: Days of the New / Days of the New via Redbook CD