Using MHDT Orchid to stream Hi Res with Apple Music ?

Is there a way to do this? Do i need to incorporate my IPad ? Thanks. 


Showing 4 responses by bkeske


I have an iFi Zen Stream, and cannot recommend it enough, but, you do not want other equipment, nor does the Zen Stream connect *directly* to Apple Music via AirPlay. Yes, you can connect to it, but AirPlay limits the file resolution to CD quality only.

Thus, if you have the wireless dongle for the 105, your best bet at this time, would be to use that and connect Apple Music via AirPlay.


Is there a way to do this? Do i need to incorporate my IPad ? Thanks.

It would be hard to do via your iPad as the Orchid is not a wireless device, it only has ‘hard wire’ optical, USB, and digital coax inputs from a source. Thus, you would need a separate wireless streamer (of some sort), that could be hard wire connected to the Orchid. You could then connect to the wireless streamer via AirPlay, as example, that would ‘feed’ your DAC > amp/pre/integrated.

Yes, you can probably stream wirelessly via the OPPO via Bluetooth or AirPlay I would imagine. Digital out to your DAC, and it would bipass the internal DAC In the OPPO.

EDIT: Just checked, the 105 would require a wireless dongle via its USB port. Should be easy enough to find. The 105 was suppose to come with the dongle included. Do you have it?

AirPlay will not. So playing through your iPad would be limited to 44/16 via AirPlay IIRC.

I don’t have Roon, but have a feeling you might be able to use the 105 As a Roon endpoint, which would be the best way to go if possible, as Roon will stream at higher resolution.