Using Maple Butcher Block Under a Turntable

When using a maple butcher block under a turntable, what is below the butcher block?  Cone?  Soborthane pucks?  Does it just lay on the shelf?  What are people using and how of they mounting the block?  How are they mounting the table on the butcher block?

Showing 5 responses by slaw


What my focus has been on is decoupling...from my floor & from my wall.
(I use a wall mount for my front-end).

The response you received makes a lot of sense. However, one person’s "warmth" could be another person’s "veiled or muffled" sound. It comes down to semantics there.

In my years of experimenting with various isolation devices and platforms, I’d say that response makes perfect sense.

What one should be aware of however is, not using or expecting the maple to be the ultimate problem solvers for any prior/ongoing vibration problems from their rack/stand etc. Boxer, the way you expressed the differences in your system gels with mine, but I might have said "increased transparency". Again, semantics.

I assume you use a 10" because of the raised lip on most vinyl records, that would leave some area unsupported, still not flat.... Would a flat profile lp be better? Or..cut the outer lip off of a regular lp and smooth the edge off?