Using Maple Butcher Block Under a Turntable

When using a maple butcher block under a turntable, what is below the butcher block?  Cone?  Soborthane pucks?  Does it just lay on the shelf?  What are people using and how of they mounting the block?  How are they mounting the table on the butcher block?

Showing 3 responses by mckinneymike

With regards to the maple from Mapleshade or Butcher Block Acoustics is this hard Maple or soft Maple?  If its soft Maple it is not as dense as Cherry or Black Walnut.  Hard Maple is very hard and I would imagine its resonance is at a higher frequency than any of the other three I mentioned.  

blueranger ambrosia maple is almost always soft maple (Red or silver).  I have never seen hard maple with Ambrosia beetle damage before, only Red Maple.  I have sold hardwood lumber since 2000, but I guess anything is possible in mother nature.
dwette with that Janka scale rating it would be hard maple. I sell hardwood lumber and was just curious what the preferred type seemed to be. Thanks for the input.