Using Linn With Other Brands

My current system is a Linn Classik driving Dyna Contour 1.1s. I'm thinking of adding an amp through the Classik's pre-outs to give the Dynas more juice. (The Classik is 75 watts @ 4ohms.) I don't want to be limited to only Linn, but I've heard so much about the Linn synergy and how it doesn't mate well with other equipment that I'm hesitant to try another brand. Are my fears justified or will Linn sound good with other gear?
Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by gregm

A Linn employee once told me this: Linn electronics are designed to reproduce a specific "sound" (bouncy, a bit on the bright side, musical, bass rythm -- a bit heavy on lower-mids & bottom), NOT to be the clearest, most analytical, most revealing. One Linn piece covers up for the other so the result is better than the sum of the parts.
So, partnering Linn electronics with other equipment designed with such considerations does not bring the best out of Linn -- i.e. the "Linn sound" as Jconder notes.

I don't know the technical side of things. This said, Linn source equipment (Lp12, CD12, etc) does work well with most other brands. So did my Kairn -- with a S-Line amp. Liking the sound is personal matter. So, do try combinations before you buy!
Good luck!
Doug hit the nail on the proverbial head regarding Linn plc's marketing hype. Just want to specify that in my previous post, I'm quoting the Linn chap; whereas Doug is relating personal experience -- a much more valuable guide in your quest, IMO. You can also note the equipment Doug mentions and relate to (compare & contrast with) other brands, too...