Using Biwirable cables on "normal" speakers...?

Basically I have an opportunity to grab some rather inexpensive Cardas Golden Ref. biwire cable, however, my speakers aren't bi-wirable. Yes the thought crossed my mind so I'm sharing it with you guys for an opinion. Would this work? Or perhaps I'm better off with a Normal Stereo Pair.... thoughts and suggestions please.....thank you..

Showing 1 response by mdhoover

"You can use them with one end on the amp and the other TWO on the speaker terminals. No advantage. No disadvantage except the clutter."


I do this and it works. I went from passively bi-wired Paradigm Studio 100 V3's to "regular" wired speakers, and now the spades are stacked at the speakers' binding posts. I thought I'd need new cables, but didn't. No problems. By the way, in my old setup, the biwiring, even though passive, did open up the soundstage a little bit as compared to "conventional" wiring.