Using a power strip in an old home that was build back in 1955

I'm not sure if this post is in the correct topic, but the title says it all. I live in a house that was built back in 1955 and this house has very few grounded outlets. I use power strips throughout the home and have never had a problem occur.

I plan to upgrade one power strip and my question is if I use a power strip like this one

Would I have a wiring fault as the outlet is not grounded?

This power strip doesn't have a yellow light built in.

I'm not an expert in the field so that is why I'm asking.


I'm just brainstorming ideas at this time.

Here is an ideal setup

playstation 1 with upscaler - 2 plugs

playstation 2 - 1 plug

playstation 3 - 1 plug

playstation 4 with vr - 2 plugs

playstation 5 - 1 plug

tv - 1 plug

dvr - 1 plug - 8 plugs total


nintendo system with upscaler - 2 plugs

super nintendo with upscaler - 2 plugs

nintendo 64 with upscaler  - 2 plugs

nintendo gamecube - 1 plug

nintendo wii - 1 plug

nintendo wii u - 1 plug

nintendo switch - 1 plug

tv - 1 plug

dvr - 1 plug - 12 plugs

Not all device would be on at the same time.

More important than ground for safety is proper polarization. I remember the old days of finding the quietest orientation for each plug.  And shocking PA systems.

Post removed 

From my research with a similar issue, code allows you to install ungrounded 3 prong receptacles IF a GFCI is installed upstream and the downstream receptacles are wired to that GFCI's Load. The newly installed three prong receptacles must then be labeled "protected by GFCI" or something similar, I don't remember. Something to look into for safety.