Usher CP-8571 II - Long term opinions?

I curious if any agoners own this Usher Dancer CP-8571 II speaker and would care to share their opinions.

I'm noodling around for a speaker in this (preowned ~$4k to $5k) price range and from various reviews and the reading, it appears to be a speaker with a lot of merit.

I currently have BEL 1001 mk V monoblocks and/or Cayin 860 triode monoblocks to work with. I'll end up selling one of these two after landing on a speaker. I'm looking for a speaker that is (very) slightly on the romantic side vs the ultra transparent monitor side.

Also on my short list is Harbeth S HL5's and Merlin VSM-MXes.

I'm looking for a speaker that is (very) slightly on the romantic side in lieu of the ultra transparent monitor side.

I currently have Merlin VSM-MMs and I consider them in that same ultra resolution/transparent/careful component matching thread. I've read the current VSM-MXe is a little more forgiving of upstream components and fuller sounding. This is my second pair of Merlins and I have really enjoyed them over the past 8 years. Perfect size/shape for WAF and fantastic sounding. That is why the MXe is on my short wish list. More or less ready to try something else and looking on the romantic side of things.

Usher are tuned to slightly romantic until you move up to BE-10/20 and they become very neutral. SF Cremona might fit your need as well, but they were a bit overly warm for me even though I have always loved SF sound. Verity might also fit the bill, but Usher 8571 II will provide more details than either speakers I mentioned above. Not just more details, more alive, more fun, just a joy to listen to.
I forgot about SF Cremona and they are in my budget range (used). I've noticed the Cremon "M" version is now out, but way out of my budget range. I was just looking at the Verity ad wondering the same thing. The Verity is not much to look at, more like a DIY speaker project. Both great suggestions though. I had Dali's on my list for a short while but they seem to get flipped frequently, especially those in my budget range.

So, in summary, on my list is;
Usher 8571 II.
Merlin VSM-MXe.
SF Cremona.
Joseph Audion RM33.
Harbeth S HL5.
Aerial 9 or 10.

Thanks for all the suggestions guys!

I am sure you have heard this before, you need to hear them to decide whether they are the right speaker for you and better if you can hear them in your own home.

your list covers a lot of speakers with very different sound, so good luck there :)

don't forget system synergy, you don't want to mate your amp with something overly warm if your Bel is already on the warm side (I don't know how Bel sounds like). you can counter it with cable matching, but this game can get frustrating.
Semi is right. You have speakers with very different sonic signatures. If you are looking at speakers with warm presentation, Usher will not do. Harbeth, SF will be probably a better shot.