Used Speaker in the 15k range

   I'm looking to upgrade my speakers. Looking for a speaker in the 15k range. Shorlisted is Vandersteen Quatro, Devore 0/96, Used Wilson, and Joseph Audio Perspective. Used speakers are fine as well. Planning to upgrade my entire equipment.
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Showing 2 responses by russbutton

If you like the JA Perspective 2, you should know that you SEAS has a kit (Thor) you can build, for about $2500, which is roughly the equal of the JA Perspective 2, which uses stock SEAS drivers.  In fact, the THOR uses bass drivers which a bit larger than those used in the JA Perspective 2.  

The Thor was designed by Joe D'Appolito, so it's a solid pro design.  If you're not brave enough to build it yourself, any competent cabinet maker can build them easily enough for you.  And Madisound, the American company that sells the Thor kit, has a cabinet maker they partner with who can build them for you and have them delivered to your doorstep, ready to go.  Total cost for that route would be about $3500.

I truly fail to see why anyone would go with the JA Perspective 2 when a nearly identical system can be had, delivered to your doorstop, for 1/4 the price.

But if you've got $15k burning a hole in your pocket, then get the Avalon Eidolon Diamond.   Absolutely extraordinary.  Exceptional.