Used PS Audio Items

Always checking for used equipment and have my targets on Hi Fi Shark.  Every day there are many new listings of PS Audio equipment.  Are people unhappy with their purchases ?


I have had and still have a number of PS Audio components.  They are a great value and in my experience, their customer service is top notch.  

I currently am using a PS Audio Amplifier, Preamp, Phono preamp, and Headphone amp and would recommend their products to anyone! The amp is an HCA-2, 150 watts @8, and Stereophile Class A. I sold my Krell and kept the PS, I just liked the sound better. And then the collection started to grow ...the GCP preamp is terrific. PS Audio prices are within my budget as well.

JINXXXX ... not 4 months later, my phono preamp went south. When I shipped it to PS Audio for service after 10 days their message said "your ($1000) preamp cannot be repaired" but we will sell you another, our latest model, for $1500. No explanation, description of what failed, just what a great deal I'm getting. Would I really return to a company that sold me a $1000 component that didn't last and "cannot be repaired"? PITIFUL customer service. NEVER AGAIN ... FOR SALE ...