Used preamp under $400...

to pair with a newly inherited Parasound HCA 750A. and I'm looking to set up a secondary 2 channel system in a "new" media room. Remote is required but phono is not.

Will be driving Spica TC 60's at first but will probably swap those out for something a little more well balanced on the bass at lower volumes.

I appreciate your help and will be relying on you opinion as auditioning a bunch of used gear probably won't be happening.

keep looking.

Ayre, B&K, 

or the Onkyo P-304 is also good!

 A used rotel, paasound.

There is a bunch of amazing pres for around 4$
Enjoy the hunt, be vigilant, 
 Research, and if u see one, snatch it up fast!

Thanks, I'm not opposed to buying new per se, just a believer that one can get a bigger bang for the buck buying used...usually. Of course there is always the possibility that one is buying somebody else's problem. 

I like the look of that saga2 and I'm a fan of having a tube in a preamp, which is the setup I have in my main system.
to pair with a newly inherited Parasound HCA 750A Will be driving Spica TC 60
On the back of the HCA750 you have level controls for each chanel, just try them first with your source plug directly into the 750 ()no preamp), as this will be the cleanest most uncolored sound you'll get. And if you like what you hear just get a passive preamp with remote.

Cheers George