Used Morch DP-6 or modified Origin Live Silver?

Hello vinyl-philes,

Thanks largely to this forum we've shattered the piggy bank and will soon be the recipients of a Teres 265 + Shelter 901. Now I'm stuck for a tonearm. TWL and others warn against unipivots for this cartridge. We understand and agree, so we've come down to the two arms mentioned above. Either one will just about bust the budget, so going up in price is not viable at this time.

Morch DP-6 (used, $800 + phono cable)
- offers adjustable azimuth (does it matter?)
- offers adjustable vertical damping (does it matter?)
- horizontal damping controls stiff cartridges (right?)
- ease of setup? ease of use? reliability?

OL Silver with TWL's mods ($800 + $1.79 fishing weights)
- no adjustable azimuth (does it matter?)
- no adjustable vertical damping (does it matter?)
- TWL's HIFI mod controls stiff cartridges (right?)
- ease of setup? ease of use? reliability?

Has anyone compared the sonics of these two arms with a low compliance cartridge? Your observations would be especially welcome.

Showing 11 responses by 4yanx

The Morch DP-6 is a dual bearing design, while the UP-4 is a unipivot. The DP-6 has a ball bearing damped with silicon in the horizontal. It uses two sapphire bearings in the vertical. Damping in both planes is separate. Vertical can be adjusted. One of the sapphire bearings is used to provide azimuth adjustment.

I agree with Greg that $800 for a good used Morch DP-6 is good money spent. I have found the Morch arms very fluid and accurate. I heard the DP-6 as nearly straight neutral and the UP-4 as just a hair on the warm side of neutral.

Personally, I think that the Morch is a better sounding arm than the Silver with the midrage a little more forward inthe presentation, but that may well differ depending on table and cartridge, I'm sure. And, I've never heard one with the now famous HiFi mod. The Silver has less "adjustments" and is, therefore, easier to set and forget. The Morch is a bit more work and likely no the arm for someone fearful of "working with" their tomearm
Doug, I think that you will be well served my the Silver. Please realize that when I indicated a preference for the Morch DP-6, it is a matter of rather small degrees. Both are fine arms. I felt the Morch presented the midrange a bit better and had slightly tighter bass. If the HiFi mods retify this, you are all set. Plus, when the two are compared on a retail price basis, this speaks very highly of the Silver. Best of luck.
Tom, I will be interested in the Illustrious/Silver Bullet comparison. Then, maybe someone can send to me a Silver Bullet so that I can do the same comparison! :-)

Why do you feel in advance that the Silver Bullet will outdo the Encounter? No disrespect intended here, just wondering if there is some design that is apparent upon visual impressions only that lead you to this supposition before listening.
Very interesting. Let me ask a few questions further, if you will.

By all accounts, the heavier counterweight on the OL Silver and other Rega-based arms is accepted as a worthwhile mod. So much so that one sees, "worth its weight in gold" and other such comments in testimonials. Given such wide acclaim, why, in your opinion, did OL not incorporate this feature or something similar into the design of the Encounter and Illustrious? For the price, these arms SHOULD be more than a degree or two better that the Silver. Would seem to have been a no-brainer based on the sales records of that mod alone. Suppose it is a blind adherence to one's own design? Wouldn't be the first time that has happened!

If, in your estimation after comparing, the Encounter outperforms the Silver, what then? Of course, it would depend on the degree. Just a wee better would give the nod to the Silver as having more value. But, if it is more than that, do you try to tweak the tweaks for the Silver to make it match, apply tweaks to the Encounter to make IT even better, or both? :-)

There are not a lot of independent reviews to be found on the Encounter and Illustrious at this point. One of the most glowing reviews was done by Stereo Times and Hi-Fi News . Some have criticized the reviewers as "being in bed with OL", but I haven't a clue. Anyway, even these thumbs up reviews cite play in the bearings with the arms, same as noticed in the Silver. I know there is a trade of between fluidity and stiffness with a gimbal arm but play seems unacceptable. Does your HiFi mod, in part, address this "looseness" in any manner. If so, would not the same type of mod prove beneficial to the more expensive, "better" arms. I guess I am wondering if there is possibly more hype than design in these arms.

With respect to the Encounter/Illustrious comparison. A visual inspection reveals that they are very similar, indeed. A different plate used as a arm pillar/tonearm rest support, one silver the other black, "gold" accents on the Illustrious. You mention that the Illustrious has upgraded wiring. The website for OL claims not cost pared in materials for the arm tube and bearing with respect to the Illustrious. Yet, they look the basically the same. Since it is somewhat hard to find information on these arms, other then the OL site itself, do you have the skinny on these two? Are the arms tubes, bearings of a different composition, etc.? I have asked these questions of some internet dealers and found the responses somewhat vague.

Oh, one more thing, and anyone please jump in here. OL arms up to the Silver have been seen as a true VALUE in the sense of performance/cost ratio. If the law of diminishing returns has set in with the Encounter and Illustrious, does this mark a change in philiospohy of OL to focus more on profit, or is it more likely a failed attempt to improve design? I am not saying this is the case, but if Tom's suppositions prove true, it would call into question the value statement.
Tom, mucho obligoto for your most considered and detailed reply. Look forward to hearing your impressions and how the hanging counterweight "shakes out", as it were! :-)
Tom, I hope that you sent a certified letter to yourself with a drawing of the HiFi mods. Could be grounds for litigation.... ;-)
Listen here, Tom. This issue is bigger than all of us. And then there is my retainer to consider. All together now, "SUE, SUE SUE"!
Do I get any residuals for the "Silver Bullet" part or do those go directy to Coors, or maybe Bob Seeger, or The Lone Ranger? What, public domain? Ha!

Doug, the oral appliance definition of retainer actually fits me more closely..I ain't no lawyer! :-)
Fair enough. Given the rather meager contributions I am able to make here, name approval by the designer is more than sufficient to sate my needs! :-)
Tom, have you given any sort of modified bullets a go on the Encounter? I know that the housing is different such that the weights cannot be affixed via the bearing bolts, but did you give the double-sided tape a try. Just wondering if the effective mod on the Silver can extract even more from the Encounter.
Doug, I don't think that you will have issues with a little too much gain, especially if you consulted with Mr. Chapman regarding your stepup (agreed, a great guy). Put the pressure on for quicker delivery of that Teres. :-) What is taking the OL so long? Did you order them together from Teres?