Used Linn sondek lp12 worth?

Hi guys,

It's been a lont time since I've last posted....and I would seriously need your help.

Well, for the first time of my life, I have decided to get into vinyls (and therefore consider myself a newbie) and might have an opportunity to get my hands on a used TT.

I could get a Linn sondek lp12 circa 1988 from one of my best friend's mother. It has the Valhalla power supply, a SME Series III tonearm and an AKG P8ES Supernova VDH II S  moving magnet cartridge.

The lp12 has received both a Trampoline 2 and cirkus upgrades in 2015 from a Linn dealer. Also the cartridge has been rebuilt with a new suspension and a new VDH shibata stylus, again in late 2015.

Overall condition is very very good.

My friend's mother is nearing 80 years-old and is struggling with serious health issues. She has therefore decided to part with (among other things) her lp12. No shipping would be needed as she lives 30 minutes from my place. I could pick her TT up personally. 

She wants 900$ for it. 

Now, I have absolutely NO IDEA what her TT is worth?

I have tried to search the Web on various audio sites to get an idea about the lp12's prices BUT they really are all over the place !!!

Should I go for it at 900$ and take the plunge ? Am I getting ripped off or is it the other way around (I wouldn't want to take advantage of her either)?

I want both her and me to settle for a fair price. What would be a reasonable $$ settlement? 

Hoping for your advices

Thank you very much for your help.

Sincere regards

Showing 4 responses by marcandr


Thanks for the answer. Yep, 900$ U.S.

Still, would it be a fair price to pay for this Lp12 if I wanna make sure she's getting market price? After all, she's one of my best friend's mother.

And, do you guys think I could do better than this LP12 on the use market for 900$ ? I am open to suggestions. 



Thank you guys for your comments. Seems the price is in the market's ballpark. ..

Now, any better option than this upgraded LP12 for 900$ or so?

I could stretch the budget a bit if needed assuming something else significantly better would be the way to go.

Any suggestions? 

If not, I might take the plundge and go LP12...

Thanks a lot for your help.


P.S. My phono preamp will be an Audiomat phono 1.6 (already bought it).

Thanks to all of you guys for the quick responses. It really seems like a  a "no brainer" kind of deal.

lindisfarne, the main purpose for asking those of you in the knows was exactly to avoid being "nuts" or a "dick" !!! ;-) Wanted a fair deal for both parties. Now, according to fellows comments, price seems to be very good but still fair.

Finally, the only remaining unanswered question is to know wheter or not I could get a better TT for this kind of money (or say up to 1100-1200$). If you gents could answer the latter, I'd be a very happy camper indeed.

Thanks in advance


To all of you, thanks for chipping in and help me with your advices.

This upgraded LP12 seems like a "no-brainer" at this price and, at the end of the day, to represent  little to no risk at all.

Upgrades (cirkus and trampoline 2) were installed in 2015 at a local Linn dealer. I guess the table was checked at the same time but, regardless,  I will take Varyat advice and have the deck double checked prior to committing. 

If everything is fine (wich should be the case), I will offer the 900$ asked and take the plunge. 

Your advices were really helpful to me. I'd like to thank everyone who commented.

Sincere regards

Btw, are the SME Series III tonearm and AKG P8ES Supernova VDH2 S cartridge worth keeping for a starter like me ?