used Integrated tube amp under $1500 for Klipsch Cornwall III's?

will be my first tube amp, any and all recommendations will be much appreciatedthanks in advance


Showing 7 responses by audiocanada

the room I'm not entirely sure how to define, kind of an open concept condo living room maybe 10ft wide and 30 ft long leading into other open area/hallway
hardwood floors, no carpeting, speakers will be positioned in the corners (replacing Forte III's)
I'm going to get a 10x6 rug to place the speakers on
listen to all kinds of music, will be using various digital sources and looking to upgrade that in the future but primarily for the time being an LG V30 connected directly to amp

that vsi55 sold used here for a steal not too long ago I think around $1500 canadian and was sold in like one day, lol
I've accepted that this will not be my last amp, over time want to try out a collection of different tube amp types and maybe some solid state

decware really?  they look seriously cheap I mean I've googled them and what not but those wooden bases for example sell for like $30
thanks, these are great suggestions
this company offers both an set and push pull in my price range
Finale audio seems amazing also, their product line though at least at first glance seems super extensive and as such a little confusing and overwhelming
both of the above are within driving distance for me, I'll be reaching out, if they're agreeable might be worth my while to drag my speakers there
are used premium tube integrated amps in vogue at the moment?  when I search historical used listings from 2-3 years ago there seems to have been a ton of em at great prices from the big names, now I'm seeing crazy prices on the good stuff

another question please
can I place the amp on top of one of the speakers without running into any issues?  I would place an isolation pad between the amp and speakers
I'm trying to save space and skip an audio rack
I will have an upright piano between the speakers (never used) and my other option is to sit the amp on the piano, will still use an iso pad
the piano is for show
its not that I don't like the fortes but I want to experiment, a pair of mint  used cornwalls became available at a good price

interesting that many people are recommedning both for and against low powered set's
at some point i will try both

the speakers are here just not set up, I want to have all my gear ready before I go through the trouble of  moving the fortes, new rug install, possibly a second rug to replace another one in the room that my gf is concerned about "not" matching the new one, oh and apparently a new vacum for the new rugs also per the gf, lol
i purchased those fortes without much thought, very new to this whole thing
I've since begun to learn the beginnings of room acoustics and their importance to this equation

the rugs I can get easy from a number of online shops, i have my source, wiring, iso pucks, iso pads,  two aurulex great grammas if required

yes my first used tube amp being of the older variety will look kind of wierd on the piano for the time being
at this point I'm focused on getting the amp and will adjust things from there
there are a few pieces that occassionally show up used online that I would grab in an instant  but the prices seem to have gone up as mentioned previously, the Leben 300 xs is a good example of that as is the Audio Research vsi55 and the Line magnetic 518, I've seen all these listed at around $1500 US in the past, not so much nowadays

that's good to know thank you
it's actually a cheap but stunning looking chinese piece that my girlfriend overpaid for at the recommendation of her child's piano teacher, an old school shrew of a woman teaching ancient and outdated theory with an affiliation to a piano store, lol