Used 5ch Amp (Classe, Krell, Rotel)

Looking for a really good used 5 channel amp. I do not want to spend $1000ss on a brand new amp.
So far my brief research has led me to Classe 5200 and Krell Chorus 5200 and they are a little pricy even used. Not sure if I want to pay 4k for a krell or classe yet! I have listened to Parasound & Mac but I did not prefer its darkish sound. Currently I have dynaudio c20 speakers as 2ch and Paradigm center and 4 towers in the back and they are being powered by Rotel RMB 1075 and the preamp section is Arcam AVR 550. I do 50% music & 50% movies. Again looking for an amp that will sound much better than my current Rotel RMB 1075 amp! Any advise would be greatly appreciated!

to all - once again WOW.  Way to go, make a new person feel like crap because their budget cannot afford more and their equipment is total junk and they are completely wrong (according to what you all are saying).  Wow, way to go guys.  He just wants to upgrade what he has for a better sound and still has a 50% priority on home theater.  It's what we all desire here on this forum.
Parasound RULES! I use a pair of A52's with my Linkwitz Lab lx521.4's and paid less than $900 for each.  There are several discontinued  Parasound 5 channel amps at varying power ratings and they all sound fine!  Arcam and Rotel are in value leader positions.  They make fine sounding products at affordable price points!  Yes, I also have audiophile approved Pass Labs electronics.  Remember that multichannel is a pain in the rear for most high end manufacturers to market.  Just call Pass Labs about their X-3 and X-5 multichannel amps.  By the way, if you know about a X-5 for sale please contact me.
I would go with Classé. They are, for me, the best sound quality. I think they have power enough for big explosions e and are soft enough for songs when it come to hearing. I have had NAD (AB class) M25. Super top quality. 160watt.
that is a option too. Brand new they are for sale for about 3500usd. Another option would be the Classé AMP5. Despite it is a class D amplifier, it does not sound like anything that is D. These 2 amplifiers are top quality and you can find a lot on used markets. I would visit a showroom to to listen to them before go out and buy. See what you prefer. Both of them will be top sound quality. 
+1 auxinput--i don't understand the overt hostility to the poster. fwiw, i owned an arcam avr450 and thought its preamp section sounded very good. for a 5ch amp, since you didn't like parasound i'd look at ati, which is very clean sounding and excellent value; anthem is also vg.
Your situation seems similar to mine. I had a Rotel 5-channel amp and an emotiva home theater processor. I decided to add two emotiva mono-blocks to drive the front left and right channels. This made a BIG improvement in sound, the first thing I noticed when playing 2-channel music. The next upgrade I did was to add a CD player for music and not to use my Blu Ray player. I connected the CD player using the RCA analogue connection verses using the HDMI. This created an even bigger improvement with the 2-channel music sound. When watching TV or Blu Ray movies I go through the HDMI cables and activate all 5.1 channels however if I am strickley listening to 2-channel music I go through the RCA and put the processor to direct and the enjoyment factor goes way up as opposed to listening to 2-channel through my Blu Ray player the way I used to. The addition of driving the front left and right channels through their own amplifier also improved greatly the sound in 5.1 channel listening as an added bonus.