Buy a used Melos preamp. They make great headphone amps. If you don't want to take your chances with build quality, Melos Restoration can service, rebuild etc for you.
Use "regular" amp to power 'phones?
Is it OK to use a "regular" power amp to power headphones? If so, how? If not, why?
I realize that most amps are expecting to see a load around 4 to 8 ohms and most headphones would present a load of around 600 ohms. I also realize it would be silly to connect a Crown Macro Reference to headphones (perhaps to anything), but I'd explore small tube amps, perhaps SET.
I realize that most amps are expecting to see a load around 4 to 8 ohms and most headphones would present a load of around 600 ohms. I also realize it would be silly to connect a Crown Macro Reference to headphones (perhaps to anything), but I'd explore small tube amps, perhaps SET.