USB-S/PDIF Converter or USB DAC?

I've decided it's time to use a music server with my main system. I currently use one (iBook) with my headphone system with the Grace m902 headphone amp with built-in USB DAC. I intend to get a new Intel iBook when they are released (March/April).

I currently have an unused Wavelength Audio S/PDIF DAC that I could use with a USB-S/PDIF converter (such as Empirical or Red Wine Audio) or get a USB DAC (WA Brick, Stello, ???). Is a dedicated USB DAC preferred over the hack USB-S/PDIF converter route?

Showing 1 response by terrat

Budrew, you are heading in the right direction. YES! USB has many advantages over SPDIF. One big advantage is that USB is bidiretional in it's signal transfer. The signal is error corrected at both input and output, resulting in a bit for bit transfer of data. Not to mention the added benefit of having an exact bit for bit copy of your all your CDs at your fingertips. Just don't forget to back-up your data.