USB DAC with conventional transport ???

Does anyone make a conventional CD transport that outputs an asynchronous digital signal via USB? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to use one of these excellent (and relatively inexpensive) USB DACs without a computer as the transport? If nobody makes such a CD transport, is there any reason that one could not be made if someone wanted to do so?

Showing 1 response by almarg

Lloyd, you may be thinking of USB to S/PDIF converters, or perhaps devices that can convert a S/PDIF signal such that it can be provided TO the USB port of a computer. I'm not sure that a S/PDIF to USB converter, that can EMULATE the USB port of a computer, exists.

Supplying a USB signal to a USB DAC requires that the signal source act as a "host," rather than as a "slave," which means that either it has to be a computer, including CPU, driver software, etc., or it has to emulate one.

I don't know of any transports or converters that are designed to do that, although perhaps some exist that I am not aware of.

Best regards,
-- Al